Video #: C1005 Duration: 8:23 File Size: 261.6 MB File Type: MP4
Description: This video covers a basic overview of optical power and optical loss, and how they are used to determine whether a link is "good or not" (i.e. PASS / FAIL).

Pause the video after each objective to answer the review questions below.

Link Budget
Link passes by 0.40 dB.

Optical Loss: -10.30 dBm minus -12.25 dBm = 1.95 dB
Link info: 500 meters of SM fiber, 2 connections, and 2 splices
Fiber loss: 0.5 km * 0.5 dB/km = 0.25 dB
Conn loss: 2 conn * 0.75 dB/conn = 1.5 dB
Splice loss: 2 spl * 0.3 dB/spl = 0.6 dB
Budget: 0.25 dB + 1.5 dB + 0.6 dB = 2.35 dB

Pass/Fail: 2.35 dB minus 1.95 dB = 0.40 dB